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Why do we love the weekend?

I know, it should be obvious. No work. At least for most of us. I'm fully cognizant of the fact that some people work on what is MY weekend and have the pleasure of being off doing pleasurable things while I'm slaving away.

But still.

It seems odd we spend five days of our life slavering over the two days at the end of it, and we push hard to reach that two days - as if that two days makes the rest of our lives worthwhile.

A suggestion.

Work harder (so to speak) at finding work less hard. I know, that's easier said than done, but in most cases, attitude toward what we're doing has a lot to do with how much distaste we face doing it.

In other words, fake it til you make it? Hm ..

This could be a fake smile. However, she looks like the kind of customer service rep that would be fun to spend quality time with.

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